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Blowing out the competition, Food trucking in the Fall

We had our last food truck event of the fall last weekend and it was a blow out!
No, really, Our food truck had a tire blow out on the way home. I was so scared to leave the trailer out in the country side in the middle of NOWHERE, TX!

We made a 45 minute drive home to pick up the spare, then a 45minute drive back to change out the tire, then another 45 minute drive back to home base. Needless to say, we were beyond exhausted by the time all was said and done. So tired, that the hubs and I called it a night by 9pm! Seriously? 9pm? Yes, 9pm on a Saturday night.  You'd think we were senior citizens. Thankfully, we have a couple of weeks off to recover before our Christmas events begin in early December!

If you haven't had a chance, please find our food truck and give us a like on FACEBOOK at www.facebook.com/larositatacos

Thank you!!

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