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Enough about the food truck, I got artsy

Goodness! I almost forgot that I am an owner of a blog. I mean, I have been crazy busy with the week to week and back to back events in my food truck that my mind has not had a chance for any extra curricular activities like blogging.

Well, with one exception. Some how last week I found a few extra minutes before bed and tackled a project that quite frankly, is 5 years over DUE! Its nothing too terribly important its just my 5 year old daughters name on the wall. You know, what child's name would be complete with out their name carved out of wood and properly mounted on the wall, preferably right above their bed. After all, this is the only way to identify your room and your belongings. And, this is by far the best way to avoid hearing the old saying, "uh uh, it's not yours it doesn't have your name on it!" Well now all three of my kids have their names, so, I just know I will never hear those words come out of any of their mouths.
Whats terrible about this whole thing is that, I remember being a first time mom with my now 13 year old, and the excitement of customizing her room, the impatient way I painted the block letters and not being able to wait until I could get them hung on her wall. Well, like every thing time passed and after two daughters, we found out that our last baby was a boy.  My husband, family and friends were so excited that one of my friends made my baby boy's name. Let me just say that those letters were up in his room before he was even born. I mean they were up the day she gave them to me.

But, some how, as many middle children are, my poor little forgotten middle child never got her own name on the wall. To make things worse, her room is not even fully furnished to this day. Don't get me wrong, we love this little girl beyond belief, and I know that a name on a wall is not what defines love.

Besides, she has her own bed, two of them as a matter of fact. One is a big girl bed and the other is her toddler bed that now sleeps her stuffed animals. But the dresser that holds her clothes and a few priceless mementos that she made in pre-school, is her big sisters. Its the dresser that we swore we were only going to borrow until we could afford to but her her own dresser. Again, that opportunity passed her by, when her baby brother burst on the scene, since no respectable baby would be able to exist with out a fully furnished nursery.  (by the way, I hope your catching my sarcasm here)       

So, I finally found the perfect letters, and that same sweet friend who made my baby boys name suggested that I forgo painting them and decoupage the letters with a nice crafting paper. YAY! So with that genius idea, I begun my project, it took me two days nights but I finally got them finished. I had to bug my husband for about an hour on his day off but I finally got them mounted. I had to bug him, only he has the patience to measure and level. If it was up to me I would hammer a nail in the wall and hang it, eye ball it, and readjust, making more holes in the wall until its close enough to straight.

But seriously, it really is one of my favorite projects to date. Her name is colorful like her personality, its bubbly just like she is and it is take up almost the entire wall, as if commanding the room, just like she does. With much pride, I have posted a picture or two.  Not bad for some one who claims to be "not very arts and craftsy." Do you craft? Wondering now, how many of my loyal readers are crafty. 

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