Hi Every one,
Are you ready? Are you ready to start your own online store? Well, I stumbled on this web site while I was on my online store trek. Many of you who have been here before know that I am a mom on a mission. My mission is to become rich and famous. Ok well, not really, but my real mission is to start earning a substantial amount of money while never having to leave home. I know it can be done. I have a few blog pals who have done this and who are doing this to date. There is my pal LJ, who has a ton of money making tips and links to survey sites. There is my good friend Anjelica who gets paid to write, and a few other bloggers who get paid to work the net. I can say that I too have made a few dollars in the past few months. BUT, My newest find is actually pretty interesting. I first heard of online stores from another blog favorite of mine. By the way, all of the bloggers I mentioned are in "MY FAVORITES" list on my side bar, go find them after you read about my newest find. This online store sounds pretty interesting so I'm really excited to share it with you, its called shopping cart software">ashop commerce.
It is a web site that helps people like you and me start their own online stores with their award winning shopping cart software. http://www.ashopcommerce.com is a web based, hosted store building site; that may just be the solution for setting up the online business you have been wanting to start but just didn't know how or where. The great thing about Ashop is that they do not have any software for you to install, they do it all for you. With Ahop you can build and manage an online store from any computer anywhere in the world with any internet connection. Another benefit that you get from Ashop is that you don't have to wait to get paid, you can accept credit card payments and ship your products in real time. It is easy to set up. Any one can set up a web store whether you are a seasoned web developer or if you are like me a NEWBIE. You can even customize your web site exactly the way you want it. You have the option to either use their standard features and designs or you can base your store on your own HTML and flash layouts. I cant wait to get started. Keep a look out for my online store coming soon. By the way, Ashop is also having a promotional offer at their web site, go and check it out for your self. You never know you might just end up with a store and shopping cart of your own. Go and see it for your self then come back and leave me a comment & let me know about your store.
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