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Well, I would like to say hello to all my readers. Hello to both of you.
I am still trying to construct this web site, and hopefully make it more appealing to my audience. Please be patient, I'm sure that there will be many more changes to come. I am a self described perfectionist. Sometimes I hate that I am, and sometimes I seem to enjoy it. I also have obsessive compulsive tendencies, from which I have never been actually diagnosed by a Doctor. In the mean time read and click away. Use the Google search bar, this bar will help my blog site get higher rankings which will eventually help me earn a little bit of money. Who couldn't use a little extra change every now and then. Hey, at least I'm being honest with you. That is another thing you will get to know about me in my blogs. I can be brutally honest at times, especially with the ones I love. I feel that if you really care about some one you shouldn't look them straight in the face and not tell them that they have spinach stuck in their teeth, or not tell them that they look better in solids and not stripes.
Well that's all for now. Remember leave your comments and suggestion. I want to know what you think, and what you want to see me write about. Take the latest poll, they are simply for our own amusement, they are not official polls. The polls also do not have anything to do with my political affiliation. I just want every American to take part in an election, official or not. It is the American way. It is a gift from our fore fathers. The freedom to vote! So, Remember, "VOTE OR DIE" . A quote from the Great Puff Daddy, or is it P-Diddy, or is it Diddy. Well, what ever his name is, you get the point.


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