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Food truck and marketing

Our food truck season is about to kick off again in a couple of weeks, and when it does we are going to be busier than ever. This will be our 3rd full year in the food truck industry and we couldn't be more pleased.  I knew we would do well, but I ha no idea how popular we at La Rosita tacos would be.  A friend of mine recently noticed our popularity and invited me out for coffee one morning, she wanted to talk business.

As we sipped on our coffees we talked about both our businesses and how happy we are to be self employed. There is no better feeling than being your own boss and setting your own hours. The food truck business is not glamorous at all, but it's a job that my husband and I do with pride and so does my good friend. She isn't in the food truck business though, she is in marketing and she shared with me a really neat piece of information that I think is too valuable to keep to myself.
She told me about a website called Listgiant.com.

It's a great resource for people trying to market their business to a large amount of potential clients. This website provides literally, giant lists of potential customers so that business owners can further their company in the market. It's such an interesting site and if you have your own business and are looking for a way to reach more consumers by the simple click of a button, then you should check out Listgiant.com

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